A complete list of publications can be found here
​A brainstem circuit for the expression of defensive facial reactions in rat. AC Perez, M Demers, A Fassihi, JD Moore, D Kleinfeld*, M Deschenes*. Current Biology (2023)
Theory of hierarchically-organized neuronal oscillator dynamics that mediate rodent rhythmic whisking. D Golomb, JD Moore, A Fassihi Zakeri, J Takatoh, V Prevosto, F Wang, D Kleinfeld. Neuron (2022)
A preoptic neuronal population controls fever and loss of appetite during sickness. JA Osterhout, V Kapoor. SW Eichhorn, E Vaughn, JD Moore, D Lee, LA DeNardo, L Luo, X Zhaung, C Dulac. Nature (2022)
Conserved genetic signatures parcellate cardinal spinal neuron classes into local and projection subsets. PJ Osseward II*, N Amin, JD Moore, BA Temple, BK Barriga, LC Bachmann, F Beltran, M Gullo, RC Clark, SP Driscoll, SL Pfaff, M Hayashi*. Science (2021)
Coordination of orofacial motor actions into exploratory behavior by rat. A Kurnikova*, JD Moore*, SM Liao, M Deschênes, D Kleinfeld. Current Biology (2017)
Inhibition, not excitation, drives rhythmic whisking. M Deschênes, J Takatoh, A Kurnikova, JD Moore, M Demers, M Elbaz, T Furuta, F Wang, D Kleinfeld. Neuron (2016)
Vibrissa self-motion and touch are reliably encoded along the same somatosensory pathway from brainstem through thalamus. JD Moore, NM Lindsay, M Deschênes*, D Kleinfeld*. Public Library of Science: Biology (2015)
Implementation of linear sensory signaling via multiple coordinated mechanisms at central vestibular nerve synapses. LE McElvain, M Faulstich, J Jeanne, JD Moore, S du Lac. Neuron (2015)
How the brainstem controls orofacial behaviors comprised of rhythmic actions. JD Moore, D Kleinfeld, F Wang. Trends in Neurosciences (2014)
More than a rhythm of life: Breathing as a binder of orofacial sensation. D Kleinfeld, M Deschênes, F Wang, JD Moore. Nature Neuroscience (2014)
Hierarchy of orofacial rhythms revealed through whisking and breathing. JD Moore*, M Deschênes*, T Furuta, D Huber, MC Smear, M Demers, D Kleinfeld. Nature (2013)
* equal contribution